Thursday, January 12, 2006

Occidental Makes The List!

UPDATE: Those crazy liberals at Occidental got it wrong! Barbie is not the result of Scientific Racism--she is, in fact, a part of the Radical Transgendaist Agender. Wait...scratch that...reverse it.

Oxy distinguishes itself by, for the first time, making The Young America Foundation's list of America’s Most Bizarre and Politically Correct College Courses! Not only that, we're on there twice! The goods:

HERNDON, VA – As tuition rates climb to an average of over $21,000 per year, today’s college students study prostitution, teeth whitening, and Beavis and Butthead. The following Dirty Dozen highlights the most bizarre and troubling instances of leftist activism supplanting traditional scholarship in our nation’s colleges and universities.

Two points to make early on. First of all, many of these are probably part of some sort of Cultural Studies major, in which context they make plenty of sense. It's not like these are required core classes, or English majors are being forced to take classes in "teeth whitening" rather than Shakespeare. And yeah, tuition is pretty high these days, but if a student thinks their college is too liberal, they can always go to a more conservative college. If you don't like the liberal bias at Oxy, go to Pepperdine! For being conservatives, the compilers of this list don't seem to have much faith in the free market.

Princeton University’s The Cultural Production of Early Modern Women examines “prostitutes,” “cross-dressing,” and “same-sex eroticism” in 16th - and 17th - century England, France, Italy and Spain (emphasis added).

The Unbearable Whiteness of Barbie: Race and Popular Culture in the United States at Occidental College in California explores ways “which scientific racism has been put to use in the making of Barbie [and] to an interpretation of the film The Matrix as a Marxist critique of capitalism.”

Go Tigers! #2! And just wait 'til next year!

At The Johns Hopkins University, students in the Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll in Ancient Egypt class view slideshows of women in ancient Egypt “vomiting on each other,” “having intercourse,” and “fixing their hair.”

Like something out of a Hugh Hefner film, Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania offers the class Lesbian Novels Since World War II.

What the fuck is "a Hugh Hefner film?"

Alfred University’s Nip, Tuck, Perm, Pierce, and Tattoo: Adventures with Embodied Culture, mostly made up of women, encourages students to think about the meaning behind “teeth whitening, tanning, shaving, and hair dyeing.” Special projects include visiting a tattoo-and-piercing studio and watching Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bodybuilding film, Pumping Iron.

This is obviously a sociology course, and seems like a perfectly valid subject to explore.

Harvard University’s Marxist Concepts of Racism examines “the role of capitalist development and expansion in creating racial inequality” (emphasis added). Although Karl Marx didn’t say much on race, leftist professors in this course extrapolate information on “racial oppression” and “racial antagonism."

This is my favorite, for that little "emphasis added." How can those horrible liberals imply that capitalism might create racial inequality? Just look at America!

Occidental College—making the Dirty Dozen list twice—offers a course in Stupidity, which compares the American presidency to Beavis and Butthead.

OK, this I agree is pretty awful. In the case of the current president, it's an insult to Beavis and Butthead.

Students at the University of California—Los Angeles need not wonder what it means to be a lesbian. The Psychology of the Lesbian Experience reviews “various aspects of lesbian experience” including the “impact of heterosexism/stigma, gender role socialization, minority status of women and lesbians, identity development within a multicultural society, changes in psychological theories about lesbians in sociohistorical context.”

Those terrible liberals! Admitting that lesbians exist!

Duke University’s American Dreams/American Realities course supposedly unearths “such myths as ‘rags to riches,’ ‘beacon to the world,’ and the ‘frontier,’ in defining the American character” (emphasis added).

Amherst College in Massachusetts offers the class Taking Marx Seriously: “Should Marx be given another chance?” Students in this course are asked to question if Marxism still has any “credibility” remaining, while also inquiring if societies can gain new insights by “returning to [Marx’s] texts.” Coming to Marx’s rescue, this course also states that Lenin, Stalin, and Pol Pot misapplied the concepts of Marxism.

Don't they know that Marx endorsed mass murder and police state?

Brown University’s Black Lavender: A Study of Black Gay & Lesbian Plays “address[es] the identities and issues of Black gay men and lesbians, and offer[s] various points of view from within and without the Black gay and lesbian artistic communities.”

Students enrolled in the University of Michigan’s Topics in Literary Studies: Ancient Greek/Modern Gay Sexuality have the pleasure of reading a “wide selection of ancient Greek (and a few Roman) texts that deal with same-sex love, desire, gender dissidence, and sexual behavior.”


Blogger Chris Oliver said...

Thanks, Carla.

1/17/2006 1:03 PM  

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