Friday, December 18, 2009
I bought this one just because I thought the name of the band was kinda funny, but this is a great British Invasion style pop tune propelled by a tick-tock beat. That's a pretty neat idea: making the whole song a sort of aural pun, or a sound effect to illustrate the lyrics. And the end, where it goes into overdrive, almost sounds like it's not a clock, but a ticking timebomb fixing to go off! Hopefully someone out there has there Google alert set for "The Hassles," and will tell us all about the history of this band in the comments section.
It's fucking Billy Joel! Much better than his later work, I gotta say. Nice instrumental break in the middle. His next band was an organ-drums power duo called Attilla.
Wow. I had no idea. I guess this is one of my favorite Billy Joel songs now.
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