Saturday, December 18, 2010

Psychedelicatessen Holiday Gift Guide

Starting with the idea that books make the best gifts, I and all my interns and assistants here at Psychedelicatessen Headquarters have put together this list of books that would make great gifts to the loved ones in your life. Or to me. First of all, from my friend Dan Whitehead, to any film geek in your life, consider this rundown of the most embarassing roles in shitty movies for pretty much every actor you've ever heard of.

Here's another book I'm itchin' to read. This has gotten kudos from some of the OG riot grrrls as the first serious, comprehensive document of the movement. If you know a music nerd who's already read Please Kill Me, England's Dreamin', Rip it up and Start Again, We Got the Neutron Bomb, American Hardcore, This Band Could Be Your Life and Loser, this should be the next one their reading list.

If that special someone on your list is a lover of inebriation, consider this history of prohibition in the U.S., which turns out to be a much more complex and interesting story than you'd expect (isn't everything?).

This one came out last year, and I've been wanting to get to it, but haven't gotten to it yet. Some of the commenters on Amazon seem to think there's a lot of bullshit in this book, but I'll take a good story over the truth any day.

I want to read all of these books in the next year, but the truth is I just don't have much time to read any more. It took me most of this year to get through one biography of Michael O'Donahue. But hey, if anyone out there wants to buy me a Christmas gift, I sure would like to get this:


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