Monday, December 26, 2016

Stand Up Comedy Videos, 2016

Jokes from the godawful disaster of a year, 2016.

Here's me in the YooHoo Room at Flappers doing some political jokes on August 2nd. There are some old jokes mixed in at the beginning and end. If you want to hear just the new stuff, you can watch this shorter set from Tao Comedy Studio on July 26th, but the Flappers set was really good.

Here's another Flappers set, in the Main Room on November 1st, right before the election. 

And here are some post-election jokes at Tao on December 17th, my last set of the year.

Here's a couple others from earlier in the year. Most of this is stuff that I used in the other sets, but this one has my Marco Rubio joke, and this one has a Bernie Sanders joke that I didn't use elsewhere.


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