Monday, April 08, 2013


Here's my most recent 5 minutes.  I'm not going to keep this whole routine.  For one thing, it's too similar to a Louis CK bit from a few years ago.  But I am keeping the whole bit about the woman in the hospital and the car crash and all that.  Possibly also the brief bit about donuts. 

Posting has been light lately, to say the least.  I've had a lot going on.  Mainly, we opened our studio.  The space is called Tao Comedy Studio, the name taken from Bobbie's book The Tao of Comedy, which she has finished, and copies of which should be available in a month or two.  It's at 7466 Beverly Blvd, Studio 201, on the corner of Beverly and Gardner.  Really cool little space.  Bobbie and John Fontaine have been teaching their classes there, and we've had shows and open mics there, including a great show coming up this Friday.  Here's the flyer.

And the following week, my improv troupe (which is to say, the people taking John Fontaine's improv class) will be performing there.
There are some more cool things in the works that I hope to be able to share soon.  In the meantime, here are the two flyers for shows that have already happened, just because I want to share them cuz they look cool.